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Grutti castle

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Grutti was built in the 11th century with the name of Grottombra. In 1126 solid walls were built around the town by the Ghibelline lords. In 1347 it was considered a "villa" and 16 families lived there. Later, it took the name "Grutti" because of the several caves (in Italian, grotte) of travertine in the subsurface, where the early Christians, followers of St. Terenziano, had take a refuge. In the surrounding area stands the ancient abbey, with the Romanesque church of Santa Maria di Agello, built prior to the castle. The place was very dear to Angelo Cesi, Bishop of Todi, who carried out some restorations. Today the medieval structure still shows some towers that dominate large sections of walls. The houses of the old castle are used today as warehouses and cellars.