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Forte Sorgnano Castle

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The origins of the Sorgnano fortress are very ancient, even if there is no concrete documented evidence of this. The first mention of Sorgnano Castle dates back to the first half of the 13th century in a list contained in the Liber censuum in the Apostolic See. A linguistic analysis of the name raises the hypothesis regarding the use of the land since Roman times, probably in connection with the strong centuriation of the valley of the Tiber. At that time, however, the name may have referred to a farm and not to a building for military use. The castle of Sorgnano in the territories of the Duchy of Spoleto and faithful to the Apostolic See, in 1381 passed under the orbit of influence of the municipality of Bettona and more specifically, appears to have been owned by one of the hegemonic families, the noble Segna or Segnarelli (sometimes called Alduciis). In 1453 the fortress of Sorgnano became the property of the Crispolti family. From a strategic and demic point of view, the trend is one of progressive abandonment of the fortress of Sorgnano which, having lost its military function, is situated in an isolated location of limited economic and demic interest.